








As a listener you have ethical obligations. First, you owe the speaker an honest hearing. Avoid prejudging the speaker. Try to put aside prejudices and preconceptions so you can evaluate the speaker’s message fairly. At the same time, try to empathize with the speaker. You don’t have to agree with the speaker, but try to understand emotionally as well as intellectually what the speaker means. Then, accept or reject the speaker’s ideas on the basis of information offered, and not on the basis of some bias or incomplete understanding.

Second, you owe the speaker honest responses. Just as you should be honest with the listener when speaking, you should be honest with the speaker when listening. This means giving open and honest feedback. It also means reflecting honestly on the questions that the speaker raises. Much as the listener has a right to expect an active speaker, the speaker has the right to expect an active listener. The speaker has a right to expect a listener who will actively deal with, rather than just passively hear, the message.

Write an original English essay in 100-150 words in which you agree or disagree with the underlined statement. Clearly state your reasons and give examples to support your position.



Keeping your distance from colleagues may appear more professional, but friendlier workers get more done, according to a new study. Compared with their more distant colleagues, friendly people were better at picking up on indirect meanings in conversations, worked better with others, and had trusting relationships with their colleagues ― all of which made them better at their jobs. Conversely, cold workers were more likely to miss nonverbal communication.

In 100 – 150 words in English, agree or disagree with this passage, explain your thinking, and give examples to support it.



Free time activities are important. They are important for what they can bring to the individual participants. Many people who participate in sports believe firmly that sports are about improving themselves. My father is just such a person.

When my father goes fishing, it is not about relaxing in the woods, or enjoying the cool breezes off the wooded hillsides, or listening to the babble of the creek as it watches over rocks on its way to the sea. Rather, fishing is about building character. It is about developing a cast that is accurate. It is about learning to read the water to know where a fish is likely to be and what sort of lure it is likely to take. If any.

This being the case, I have taken the opposite position. Free time activities, for me, are purely for recreation. Fun. Only fun. All fun. Any growth of knowledge or understanding, such as reading water, is to be avoided. And, I have found my afternoons fishing as much a pleasure as my father found his.

Write a short (100 — 150 word) essay in English in which you take a position on the following statement and defend your position with logic and examples.

“Free time activities should help you improve yourself as a person.”



I come from a small town in Canada. I loved living and growing up there. There was a post office, a general store that stocked just about everything, and a small grocery store. Everything my family and I needed was close at hand. The town was surrounded by fields and forests that my friends and I explored on long summer afternoons. It was great.

Now I live in Tokyo and I can’t imagine not living in a big city: the bookstores, the theaters, the music, and the general convenience of everything. I have come to like the freedom trains and subways give me. I enjoy watching people hurrying alone as I sit and sip a coffee in a sidewalk café.

Maybe you have to be from the country to really learn to love city life.

In an English essay of 100 to 150 words, answer the question below.

“Which do you prefer — living in the city or in the country?”


In 100 to 150 words in English, write a short essay in response to the following question. Be specific and include examples and/or reasons.

“If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you like to go?”


In 100 to 150 words in English, write a short essay in response to the following statement. Be specific and include examples and/or reasons to support your answer.

“Pets should be treated like family members.”


In 100 to 150 words in English, write a short essay in response to the following.

“In many apartments, it is against the rules to keep a pet, such as a dog or cat. What would you do if you found out your neighbor was keeping a dog in his or her apartment even though it was against the rules? Be specific and explain your thinking.”


In 100 to 150 words in English, write a short essay in response to the following.

Television, radio and magazines encourage us to eat junk food and drink high-sugar drinks, both of which are very bad for us. Should advertising for junk food and sugary drinks be allowed? Be specific and explain your thinking.


In 100 to 150 words in English, write a short essay in response to the following question:

Some people think that fashion magazines show images of models who are too thin and that this can lead to eating disorders. Should magazines be required to use models who are more healthy-looking?


In 100 to 150 words in English, write a short essay in response to the following.

When you were a child, what were you afraid of? Write about the fear and how you have dealt with it.


In 100 to 150 words in English, write a short essay in response to the following question.

What do you talk about at dinner with your family or friends?


In 100 to 150 words in English, write a short essay in response to the following question.

What can we do to make the world safer for future generations?


In 100 to 150 words in English, write a short essay in response to the following question.

More and more parents are giving their children non-traditional (so called kira-kira) names. What do you think of this trend?


In 100 to 150 words in English, write a short essay in response to the following statement.

You must always be honest with your friends.


In 100 to 150 words in English, write a short essay in response to the following statement. Please use examples and give reasons for your answer.

What can older people learn from your generation?


In 100 to 150 words in English, write a short essay in response to the following statement. Please use examples and give reasons for your answer.

The English phrase, “a blessing in disguise” means that something that seems to be negative turns out to be positive. Please write a time in your life when you experienced a “blessing in disguise.”











